Stop National Animal ID

Farm Bureau and NAIS
by Karin Bergener

As a co-founder of Liberty Ark Coalition , I do not shy away from facts, so if anything is factually incorrect in my article, please let me know directly and I will address it. The article was meant to bring to light information about Farm Bureau that most members do not know. Given the enormous amount of spin in Farm Bureau’s publicity, one article hardly represents a dangerous attack.

The history of Farm Bureau presenting itself as the friend of the farmer, but in fact being primarily an insurance and agri-business organization, and if it represents farmers at all, representing large industrial farming corporations, goes far back. You may find Samuel Berger’s book Dollar Harvest interesting. Thirty-five years later nothing has improved for the small farmer as a member of Farm Bureau.

You are absolutely right that it’s possible to work within Farm Bureau, and I commend you for doing that. In the time between writing my article, and its publication, a number of county Farm Bureau organizations have passed anti-NAIS resolutions. It was voted on again in Texas’ state convention, and Texas Farm Bureau policy didn’t change—but they raised a ruckus. In Washington, the state Farm Bureau did pass an anti-NAIS resolution. My concern is that the corporate farming members of FB will control the organization, even if some states disagree with national policy. It is important that Farm Bureau members be informed about the organization and make an informed choice on working within or doing something else.

Yes, some people back a mandatory NAIS. What we’ve found, however, is that many cattle farmers have been led to believe the costs will be far less than the $37 to $69 per head experienced in other countries. These costs will make it difficult to make a profit. I strongly support people making a living, but believe they should include entrepreneurial farmers as well as corporate farmers and their employees. Rather than helping entrepreneurial farmers make a living, NAIS will put them out of business. Thank you for working against NAIS in Washington.

Karin Bergener is an attorney living in Freedom, Ohio, a former member of the board of directors of the Portage County, Ohio, Farm Bureau, and co-founder of Liberty Ark Coalition. Her letter appeared in the Winter 2007 issue of Rural Heritage.


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03 February 2007